5 Simple Things It Can Make Life So Better Health and Quality

In order for a long life and have a fulfilling life , one way you can do that is by choosing a healthier lifestyle. Not only concerned with the physical , but mental health must also be considered .

Make Life So Better Health and Quality

For a healthy lifestyle , you do not need to feel intimidated and depressed . Just do five simple things , you will get a big change in your life , as reported by the Times of India , on Thursday ( 12/12/2013 ) :

1 . Move

There are many exercise programs that promise incredible body transformation . If you really like it , just do it . But if not , there is a more simple way is on foot . Walking is the easiest way to move and have a lower risk of joint pain than jogging or running .


Even just a ten minute walk can increase your metabolism and stamina . If the weather does not support , you could walk in the house or if there is , use a treadmill .

2 . Hydrated properly

Meet the water needs to maintain organ function and protect the digestive and joint health . In addition , consuming the right amount of water keep your skin healthy and sweating to remove toxins from the body . Do not forget , when you exercise you also need to drink enough water.

Hydrated properly

Sports drinks indeed legitimate consumption because it contains electrolytes . But remember if the drink contains sugar and calories . Fruit juice is also a good hydration because it contains vitamins and minerals . But sometimes there are some natural fruit juices that contain high sugar .

3 . Get fresh air and sunshine

Feel free to leave the house in the morning . Vitamin D is contained in sunlight can be beneficial for your skin. In addition , vitamin D may help the body absorb calcium which is essential for bone growth and strength so that it can prevent rickets and osteoporosis.

Get fresh air and sunshine

Lack of vitamin D can cause some types of cancer , obesity , high blood pressure , diabetes , and depression. Sources of vitamin D can also be found in cod liver oil , eggs , milk , salmon , and tuna .

4 . Rest and relaxation

Never underestimate the importance of sleep a night as a time for the body to recharge energy . Although the work often forces you to stay up , but believe me if the problem can be resolved in the morning after you get a good night's rest.

Rest and relaxation

Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue , depression , heart attacks , and anxiety disorders . In fact , just a few nights do not get enough sleep can make mood worsens , less concentration , and decreased memory .

5 . Eating the right

Do not eat too much and prioritize the consumption of fruits , vegetables , lean protein , and foods derived from wheat. However , do not be fooled by products that claimed to contain wheat but it contains preservatives and excess sugar.

Eating the right

Your mind can be quiet if you know what you eat . Do not forget to also always pay attention to the labels on food packaging or drugs , including body care products such as toothpaste and soap.
5 Simple Things It Can Make Life So Better Health and Quality | Anonymous | 5


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