Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure or hypotension is a condition in which normal blood pressure did not reach the size of a normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mmHg . What will happen ? Usually a person will feel weak or easily exhausted mentally , physically as well .

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure
Hypotension is often experienced by those who lack nutrition , stress , wrong diet , such as blood loss during menstruation for women , kidney problems , and others . We encourage you to recognize the symptoms of hypotension following early .

Dizziness - If you start to feel everything around you is spinning , then the alert only . That's one of the signs you are experiencing low blood pressure problems .

Forgetful - Forget what you just did , for example where putting a pen or glasses, can also be a sign you are experiencing low blood pressure .

Dizzy eyes - If you are experiencing this, then immediately sat down for a moment to help stabilize blood pressure . Eye dizzy a sign of less blood flow to the eye .

Limp - It's not all symptoms are limp body sign your blood pressure low . But one of the symptoms is weak , also feel fatigue .

Nausea - Nausea is also one of the symptoms of low blood pressure .

Cold - Your skin is cold and clammy and pale . Immediate consumption of hot drinks and foods that can help raise your blood pressure again . This is a sign of skin and your body does not get the blood and oxygen supply is sufficient .

Shortness of breath - When the blood pressure to the weakened heart , it could lead to heart muscle . This can cause shortness of breath or chest pain .

Pale skin - Low blood circulation will make the skin look pale . Besides pale , hands and feet of patients with hypotension will feel cold due to low blood pressure .

Irregular heartbeat - When the heart can not pump blood properly due to low blood pressure , then this may cause the heart to beat irregularly . This condition is sometimes referred to by the name of arrhythmias .

Headache - Whenever blood pressure drops can cause headaches . headaches caused by unstable blood pressure called orthostatic . These sudden changes can cause nausea even to fainting .
Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure | Anonymous | 5


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