Already the undisputed biggest Power family, the Hollywood has to offer: rank of six partly physical, partly adopted children, Angelina Jolie (38) and Brad Pitt (49) on the list of Hollywood parents near the front, making the on the degree of their family. Quite obviously go the full two superstars in their role and appear in their function to have found the fulfillment of their existence as heads of a large family. Therefore probably also stems from the desire now more members of the Jolie-Pitt clan integrate.

because while other parents already miserably the one time or another would have thrown in the towel and were overwhelmed at times hopelessly with so much young talent, rich Brad and Angelina six children far. An insider revealed now to the Sun , that adopt both both a child and still want to have another biological baby. Through the adoption wants Angelina to help a child from Syria, where currently dire political unrest prevail. "Angelina is very moved by the current situation in Syria. To help a little, they would like to adopt a child from there. Both hope to bring her next child home soon. "
With two other children so it will be even more turbulent in anyway well-filled Home of Angelina and Brad . If then also soon to have long been thought wedding coming up, it could be an eventful year for Hollywood's most beautiful family - but we are sure: After the two Thoroughbred parents have repeatedly proven lately that they also very stressful situations by readily available , they can also be rocking the challenge of two more babies left
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