Demi Lovato: Selena Gomez cried over it

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez
Actress and singer Demi Lovato (20) as their young age already have to go through a lot . a long time she struggled with severe eating disorders, injured himself and experimented with drugs until it finally came in late 2010 to the great collapse. As was Demi clear that things could not go on: a month-long deprivation therapy and followed.

Now it's Demi really good again, it is currently promoting her new album "Demi", storming the charts with their songs. Yet even if she's better now, the singer is not tired to talk about the most difficult time in their lives to thus other stakeholders to encourage.

In an interview with told Demi that she had also noticed at this time who her real friends are and who is not. because many turned away from her, only a handful of friends eventually left RECOURSE. Certainly a very painful experience, but Demi does not look bitter on their past, and told well, who have particularly helped her in this time. "In the end I had to go through some things.

Luckily I have my family and good friends around me who support me and my recovery process. Especially Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez. Selena called me crying to when I was in there. has you so worried and I told her that I would actually be the one who cries and that everything was okay. you was so worried and through this experience we have come closer to us. exactly how it was with Nick. He was always there for me.
Demi Lovato: Selena Gomez cried over it | Unknown | 5


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